Manufacturing Identity - Open Call for Submissions
Register/Submit Deadline: Sunday, Oct 31, 20107 AMEDT
Manufacturing Identity is an open collection of works exploring how emerging technologies will impact how creative practitioners see themselves, portray themselves, and understand the role of their self in their creative processes.
Technological advances have significantly impacted how individuals in society construct their sense of self; sometimes as empowered creators and equally as alienated observers. In addition, the personal nature of creative work imbues the finished products with the values of their creator, while acknowledging the technical realities of their production.
Manufacturing Identity invites all creative practitioners (artists, craftspeople and designers) to explore the impacts of emerging technologies on how they construct their idea of self.
Submissions will be made to the website (www.manufacturingidentity.
1) a self-portrait/self-portrayal, indicating how emerging technologies affect their construction of their own sense of sense of self,
2) an approximately 300-word summary of the themes explored in the work.
Submissions will be published continuously during the submission period, to allow all website visitors the opportunity to view work and respond with their own works. At the completion of the submission period a summary of themes will be published on the website. In addition, a physical exhibition of works is anticipated at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
More information is contained on the website:
In addition, you can join the group on Facebook, "Manufacturing Identity"
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