The Global Design Competition
Register/Submit Deadline: Wednesday, Mar 16, 20116:59 AMEDT
The Global Design Competition aims to collect a broad variety of design solutions for low carbon restaurants by any means possible, including but not limited to reduction in the need for electricity, food product choices, localized power generation and waste energy capture and reuse.
Toward this goal, entrants are encouraged to re-envision the kitchen and dining space, not as a room of separated appliances fulfilling individual functions, but as a whole functioning system of cooperating elements in which potential ambient energies such as passive solar light and heat and seasonal cold are utilized and waste energy and materials are recycled in the most efficient manner.
The carbon score of the overall design will include the embodied energy of all food ingredients, including energy used to grow, harvest, process and package and deliver the ingredients. Designs that integrate food growth are encouraged.
The primary consideration is elimination of the need for electricity in operations. The next priority is elimination of the need for energy in the manufacture of equipment and the site's building materials. The third priority, embodied carbon of the food and beverage products, will be included in the over all score as a separate aspect from the energy use in the kitchen and dining room.
We encourage participants to form multidisciplinary teams to ensure feasibility of designs by taking into full account the areas of building design and construction, appliance engineering and restauranteering.
With this competition, we hope to realize the opportunity to catalyze a market competitive esthetic by joining the sustainability and maximum ambient energy utility paradigms of the appropriate technology community and combined function advantages of integrated design with current best practices in industrially engineered appliances and tools. Our resultant shareware reference collection will serve as a services directory for participating designers, drawing attention and clients to their practices and continuing to promote increased market share and saturation for sustainable businesses.
Our jury panel is comprised of professionals, educators and innovators in the fields of engineering, architecture, life-cycle analysis, vertical farming, green building, restaurant operations and business modeling. Profiles are available at the competition website:
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