USGBC Design Competition 2007
Register/Submit Deadline: Friday, May 18, 200711:05 PMEDT
USGBC’s Emerging Green Builders is a coalition of students and young professionals promoting the integration of future leaders into the green building movement. Founded in 2002, we have made tremendous progress over the past four years. In addition to creating resources to help start local EGBC committees all across the country, we also host an annual design competition and conduct a popular forum at Greenbuild.
Local EGB groups are forming across the country as an integrated part of USGBC chapters. Chapters are excited to have involvement of young people, and local EGB members are gaining access to new resources and participating is a wide range of locally organized events. We are very proud of the local EGB leaders and the rapid expansion of and excitement about EGB at the local level.
We are fortunate to have so many dedicated individuals participate in this growing effort, sharing share their time, energy, and perspective with us. The committee has taken note of the comments and discussions generated at the Forum and throughout the year and work to develop programs based on popular demand. The rapid growth and development of the EGB is marked with the opportunity to involve a larger community and we are eager to engage you. Some of the projects we aim to develop include a job/internship posting list, resources for green building education and university programs, and a young professional toolkit.
Who we are:
USGBC’s Emerging Green Builders is a coalition of students and young professionals intent on promoting the integration of future leaders into the green building movement.
To integrate students and professionals into the green building movement.
To create a network of emerging green building leaders and develop opportunities for involvement through the USGBC to further generate momentum for the green building industry.
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