Sunday, Oct 24, 20104:30 AM - 7 AMEDT
| 30 Cooper Square New York, NY
CALL FOR STUDENT WORK On the evening of October 23, ACADI@NY will provide a venue as a student forum exploring and communicating new student-driven innovation through processing and digital architecture research. The Great Hall of Cooper Union will again provide an academic venue where historically, contemporary questions have been raised, debated, and challenged. ACADI@NY will select 20 student submissions and invite those students, each in succession to another, to present a 4-minute-interval narrated synopsis of imagery and thought process towards innovative and avant garde digital strategies where software is challenged. Students are encouraged to present ideas, processes, and techniques of transferring of information among different software, interfaces different applications and abstract processes discussing their conceptual implications within a student project or work-study. Students are encouraged to present abstract architectural explorations in parametric modeling, surface geometry, and mathematical equations producing formal vocabulary. There is no interest in renderings, but rather the relational capacity of structural compositions that challenge spatial organization. See the ACADIA 2010 Official Website for more details and submission requirements. WHERE: The ACADI@NY Event will take place at the Great Hall at Cooper Union directly after the ACADIA 2010 Conference opening of the peer review exhibition of work. WHAT: The basic format of the event will take place as an informal gathering where students will be invited and selected to share latest ideas, trends, student works, thoughts, sketches, snapshots, and thumbnails of varying contexts and subjects within the theme of life in:formation on variation, in a 20x20 format. The 20x20 format is a simple presentation format whereby 20 selected students will show 20 images, each for 10 seconds through a single powerpoint presentation (each student will be given a total of 4 minutes each for presentation). The images are timed and cycle through automatically while the presenter speaks to his/her selection of images. WHO: ACADI@NY will invite and select university students of graduate and undergraduate levels to submit and show experimental work developed in advanced computer seminars, and personal investigations/study universities around the world. Students will be asked to present their work which supports the ACADIA 2010 theme of life in:formation on variation in the 20x20 format. SUBMISSION: Students are invited to submit 20 images (maximum) which describe current work/study/thinking towards the general ACADIA 2010 Conference theme Life In:formation. Submission requirements emphasize strong and informative visual material with succinct analytical text which speaks to each slide and its content, and an overall presentation synopsis. Each applicant must complete the ACADIANY Event Form and submit along with submission requirements. While we are asking for images, after the selection process is made students will be able to submit short animations within the time frame given. Animations will be no longer than 2-3 minutes. DEADLINE FOR STUDENT WORK: Preliminary Deadline is September 30, 2010 @ 11:59pm EST All applicants must submit the above with completed ACADIANY Event Form to: [email protected] *The submission process is only online, no postal submissions will be accepted. Please note: Undergraduate and Graduate students from Universities within the metropolitan tri-state area are allowed to submit for this event. This area is defined by the states of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. All student entries will be reviewed by the ACADIA selection committee, and 20 students will be selected for merit on the basis of (20 images, approximately 10 seconds each for presentation). Each student will be given 4 minutes in total for presentation; thus approximately a 1.5 hour event. CONTACT US: For inquires and more information, please visit us on the web: email: [email protected]
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