+Housing Symposium
Sunday, Oct 12, 200812 AMEDT
| Center for Architecture | 536 LaGuardia Place; New York, NY 10012
In the coming decades, New York will confront the challenge of housing another million people in a built-up city with limited area for new construction. Aging infrastructure and environmental concerns pose additional impediments to growth. Mayor Bloomberg's PlaNYC addresses the need for housing, and targets eight other quality-of-life issues including open space, air and water quality, and contaminated sites. Public and private developers have also begun responding to, and even anticipating, these concerns with mixed-use, hybrid designs. +Housing focuses on eight current examples which illustrate this phenomenon: public uses combined with, and often financed by housing. The essential urban institutions – parks, schools, places of worship, museums, and hospitals – are being combined with residential developments, fusing diverse typologies and increasing density. This observation creates the rubric, [fill in the blank] + Housing. The phenomenon is observable at multiple scales, from infill Hybrid Buildings with condos sitting on top of a public space, to Transformed Blocks rebuilt and rearranged into places for living, performing and gathering, to New Neighborhoods that attempt to remediate and improve old sites, shaping parks, creating spaces for culture and childcare, adding new density. +Housing helps keep the city affordable, accessible, sustainable, and architecturally ambitious. Projects that include cultural institutions, new schools, improved infrastructure, and green roofs are often built faster and more efficiently. That said, all pluses have their minuses, and this exhibition looks beyond the benefits of the +Housing formula, examining its potential impact on the look, economy and public life of New York City. Panel 1: Cultural Spaces Moderator: Susan Szenasy, Editor in Chief, Metropolis Magazine Speakers: Derek Denckla, Propeller Group, Greenbelt; Dan Kaplan, FXFOWLE, Archstone Clinton; Alex Harrow, Freyer Collaborative Architects, Young Israel Synaagogue / 225 East Broadway Condominiums Panel 2: Public Spaces Moderator: Jeff Byles, Associate Editor, The Architect's Newspaper Speakers: Laurel Blatchford, General Growth Properties, The Seaport; Jonathan Marvel, Rogers Marvel, Gowanus Green; Jay Valgora, Studio V, Anable Basin Speakers: Welcome by James McCullar, FAIA, 2008 AIA New York Chapter President; Introduction by Alexandra Lange, Curator, +Housing: 2008 AIA New York Designs for Living Exhibition; Panel 1: Cultural Spaces: Derek Denckla, Propeller Group, Greenbelt; Dan Kaplan, FXFOWLE, Archstone Clinton; Alex Harrow, Freyer Collaborative Architects, Young Israel Synaagogue / 225 East Broadway Condominiums; Moderated by Susan Szenasy, Metropolis Magazine; Panel 2: Public Spaces: Laurel Blatchford, General Growth Properties, The Seaport; Jonathan Marvel, Rogers Marvel, Gowanus Green; Jay Valgora, Studio V, Anable Basin; Moderated by Jeff Byles, The Architect's Newspaper FREE! RSVP at our calendar at www.aiany.org/calendar
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