Monday, Jun 28, 20106:46 PM — Saturday, Jul 17, 20106:46 PMEDT
| Barcelona, Chicago, New York City
[call for participants] UrbanÂBuddy (www.urbanbuddy.com) and Live ArchiÂtecÂture NetÂwork (www.livearchitecture.net) are colÂlabÂoÂratÂing to orgaÂnize a series of cost-effective design exchange workÂshops for stuÂdents and other interÂested parÂties to be held in mulÂtiÂple locaÂtions each year. ParÂticÂiÂpants will simulÂtaÂneÂously explore Barcelona, Chicago and New York City; three incredÂiÂble urban cenÂters. urbanÂFAB [workÂshop] will reveal global conÂcepts while fully explorÂing local pheÂnomÂena that are disÂtinctly SpanÂish and American. [overview] urbanÂFAB [workÂshop] will engage in a close-up examÂiÂnaÂtion of the existÂing urban facÂtors that drive new modÂels of digÂiÂtal design and fabÂriÂcaÂtion. These facÂtors include physÂiÂcal, social and cliÂmatic influÂences (among othÂers), but most imporÂtantly you’ll be observÂing what makes your city unique in global sysÂtemÂatic design, both natÂural and human proÂduced. The urbanÂFAB [workÂshop] is a unique look at the interÂface between the built form infraÂstrucÂtures and the physÂiÂcal & social sysÂtems of our urban environment. [process] To uncover mulÂtiÂple layÂers of meanÂings, idenÂtiÂties and design processes parÂticÂiÂpants will colÂlabÂoÂrate with the other urbanÂFAB [workÂshop] cities: Barcelona, Chicago and New York City. The dynamism of these urban cenÂters is best expeÂriÂenced on the ground with full expoÂsure to the comÂplex juxÂtaÂpoÂsiÂtion and overÂlay of moveÂment and activities. The platÂform of the workÂshop will be based on obserÂvaÂtional research where parÂticÂiÂpants will take part in field studÂies, acaÂdÂeÂmic and proÂfesÂsional lecÂtures, office visÂits, city tours and more. Through digÂiÂtal forums, interÂnaÂtional conÂferÂencÂing and on the ground UrbanÂBuddy netÂworkÂing, parÂticÂiÂpants will help each other comÂpare and conÂtrast cross-cultural lenses to deciÂpher and respond to comÂplex urban sysÂtems. As an inteÂgral part of the workÂshop, parÂticÂiÂpants will enjoy their city’s sumÂmer fesÂtiÂvals, taste its flaÂvor, and live its unique culÂture hosted by UrbanBuddy. The findÂings to the obserÂvaÂtional research will be packÂaged and disÂsemÂiÂnated through a live blog, colÂlabÂoÂraÂtive pubÂliÂcaÂtion and exhibition. [about UrbanBuddy] UrbanÂBuddy conÂnects stuÂdents and travÂelÂers to cities around the globe. UrbanÂBuddy was founded in 2007 from the expeÂriÂence of 4 stuÂdents on their jourÂney through Europe and a semesÂter abroad in Barcelona, Spain. An UrbanÂBuddy describes a new type of city concierge. We are on-site experts availÂable 24 hours a day for acaÂdÂeÂmic, social and culÂtural supÂport. UrbanÂBuddy has evolved into an interÂnaÂtional netÂwork of peoÂple, places and serÂvices to supÂport the stuÂdent and travÂeler. We are colÂlabÂoÂratÂing with the Live ArchiÂtecÂture NetÂwork (LaN) to facilÂiÂtate the urbanÂFAB [workÂshop] this sumÂmer in BarÂcleona, Chicago and New York City. [about LaN] LaN DIRECTS GLOBAL WORKSHOPS ON DIGITAL DESIGN + FABRICATION IN ARCHITECTURE FOR ACADEMIC + CLIENT BASED PROJECTS. LaN approaches archiÂtecÂtural develÂopÂment through interÂdisÂciÂpliÂnary colÂlabÂoÂraÂtions enabled by DIGITAL DESIGN + FABRICATION. LaN recÂogÂnizes the power of digÂiÂtal fabÂriÂcaÂtion, not merely as a toolset of a high techÂniÂcal calÂiber, but as the driÂver of parÂticÂuÂlar groupÂings of resources–an orgaÂniÂzaÂtion of human, ecoÂnomic, and mateÂrÂial assets–varying widely based on project cirÂcumÂstances. LaN’s mode of operÂaÂtion is PARAMETRIC in nature, and seeks to re-associate archiÂtecÂture with a flexÂiÂble, colÂlabÂoÂraÂtive, & data-rich pracÂtice of SPATIAL DESIGN. [travel, research, and culture] ParÂticÂiÂpants will parÂtake in a series of city, culÂtural and hisÂtoric tours; urban obserÂvaÂtion exerÂcises, guest lecÂtures and preÂsenÂtaÂtions, and interÂacÂtions with the local proÂfesÂsionÂals and citÂiÂzens. The travel expeÂriÂence and research durÂing the urbanÂFAB [workÂshop] will be facilÂiÂtated by UrbanÂBuddy and hosted by local uniÂverÂsiÂties and design studios. The real potenÂtial of this project lies in the power of colÂlabÂoÂraÂtion. With the involveÂment of many peoÂple from difÂferÂent backÂgrounds, simulÂtaÂneÂous research in three cities and by layÂerÂing diverse ideas we can colÂlecÂtively examÂine and in turn inform our cities. [workshop dates] June 28 — July 17 [deadline for application] May 1, 2010 Registration: http://www.urbanbuddy.com/index.php/workshops/ http://www.livearchitecture.net/archives/5273
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