EDRA Great Places Awards 2020
Register/Submit Deadline: Friday, Jan 3, 202011:59 PMEDT
Our Mission: The Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) is an international, interdisciplinary organization founded in 1968 by design professionals, social scientists, students, educators, and facility managers. EDRA came into being in the 1960s, during a period of social awareness and social unrest, but also new horizons and new visions. True to its origins, EDRA continues to believe in an agenda of social responsibility that has grown from a barely perceptible idea to a more fully-formed vision for healthier, more democratic human environments.
The Great Places Awards seek to recognize work that combines expertise in design, research, and practice; and contributes to the creation of dynamic, humane places that engage our attention and imagination. EDRA invites participation from a range of design and research disciplines — particularly projects whose significance extends beyond any one profession or field. The Great Places Awards seek to recognize work that combines expertise in design, research, and practice; and contributes to the creation of dynamic, humane places
Awardees of the 22nd annual Great Places Awards will be announced and celebrated at the EDRA51 Conference in Tempe, Arizona, April 4-7, 2020. One award winner for each of the four categories will receive a voucher for a one-day conference registration, and 20% off an additional one-day registration. The discount does not apply to the dinner banquet/mobile sessions.
The Great Places Awards welcomes submissions from the full breadth of environmental design and related research activities, including architecture, landscape architecture, planning, urban design, interior design, lighting design, graphic design, place-based public art, environmental psychology, sociology, anthropology, geography, and the physical sciences.
Visit https://www.edra.org/page/greatplaces for more information.
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