Accessible Design Awards Program 2009
Register/Submit Deadline: Wednesday, Apr 15, 20096:55 AMEDT
Universal Design exemplifies a commitment to making places that enhance the experience of all users. Universal Design in the US includes excellent integration of accessibility requirements but exceeds the legal requirements by building in features that anticipate diverse user needs and benefits (e.g., indoor air quality, lighting, acoustics, redundant information, navigation).
This program recognizes excellence in the design of buildings or facilities that are accessible for persons of all abilities. Creative solutions are sought that include effective accessibility as part of well-designed, responsive architecture in these categories:
Category A: “Public Architecture†This includes all buildings and facilities to which Massachusetts statute 521 CMR applies. The link to the website for this statute (MGL Chapter 22, Section 13A) is:
Category B: “Private Residential†This includes private residences in which an individual’s personal accessibility needs have been addressed.
Category C: “William D. Smith Memorial Award†This includes all buildings for which the design integrates accessibility with historic preservation.
Entries may be for entire facilities or site-specific solutions. Project types might include:
Exteriors - ramps, signage, trails, campuses and landscape design
Interiors - entries, bathrooms, hardware, lifts, details
Buildings - transportation facilities, gazebos, park facilities, etc.
For examples of past award-recipients, visit
* This program is open to everyone in the world — designers, building officials, citizens, community groups, building owners, public agencies, et al.
* Entries in all three categories must comply with 521 CMR where applicable (521 CMR does not apply to single- and two-family housing).
* Specific access solution(s) must be located in Massachusetts.
* Access features may be either new construction or renovation.
* All projects must be completed prior to the submission deadline (April 14, 2009).
* Work by this year’s jurors and by their firms is not eligible.
* Projects honored in this program in past years are not eligible.
* Built projects must have been completed after January 1, 2004.
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