re-Growth house Competition
Register/Submit Deadline: Saturday, Apr 25, 20091:20 AMEDT
The February 2009 fires in Victoria have re-written the rules about bushfires. Many of the fires registered heat above 1,200 degrees Celsius and wind speeds of more than 120 kph, leaving very little in their wake. This is unprecedented.
The HOUSE re-GROWTH Pod is a permanent and cost effective housing unit which can assist in the rebuilding of the fire devastated town-ships of Victoria. The robust pre-fabricated concrete structure has been designed to be built upon, but in the short term acts as a habitable starting point for the building of a new home.
The units are prefabricated, delivered and connected to services rapidly allowing families to begin the process of re-building without displacement from their communities. Taking this as the starting point for the design process for the new house to begin the competition invites architects and designer to propose how this pod can form part of their proposed design using a minimum of one per scheme.
An international ideas competition for the design for a new family house for the residents of bushfire ravaged Victoria who have lost their homes. Â
This competition is open to architects and designers not just in Victoria, Australia but to all those interested in the typology required for the re-building of houses whilst the site is occupied by the re-Growth Pod.Â
It is anticipated that this competition will generate new thinking for living in sites prone to Bushfire prone areas as well as creating a dialogue within the design community.
For full details please visit the competition page at:
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