Register/Submit Deadline: Thursday, Jun 18, 20096:55 AMEDT
Papergirl is an art project which, in the style of American paperboys, distributes rolled artworks by bicycle in the streets of Berlin.
Papergirl is distributed like a newspaper but not edited or printed like it. It consists of art pieces which are rolled up together. Contributions are handed in by mail or personally and are later included in the art rolls. There are no guidelines as to format, subject matter or quantity, so originals, prints, photos, copies, etc come together. Each roll contains 10-15 different works, meaning that each one holds a unique combination of works!
The art rolls cannot be sold and they are not delivered to subscribers.
Please submit your works at:
Winstr. 9, Berlin, Germany
Wednesday, June 17
or write to [email protected] and ask for airmail info
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