eCAADe 2009
Thursday, Sep 17, 20096:55 AM — Sunday, Sep 20, 20096:55 AMEDT
| Istanbul, Turkey
In the field of architecture, Computational Design has emerged as sub-discipline which has a multidisciplinary nature and uses computing methods and capabilities to understand and solve architectural design problems. Computational Design aims to provide means for harnesing more deliberate and conscious ways of computing processes in design. Computational design elements are derived from both theoretical science and experimental design in such a way that it’s mechanism relies heavily on mathematical logic but once built, experimenting takes on by varying one parameter at a time to study individual changes. It is a design model, not design itself. Computational design involves applying appropriate computational mechanisms, algorithms, or methods, to architecture for solving design problems and developing design applications. This process creates systems that can be used as a design tool for exploring and forming entirely new design concepts and strategies.
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