Henning Larsen Foundation launches Architecture and Film Competition
By Bustler Editors|
Thursday, Oct 9, 2014
The Henning Larsen Foundation just launched their international Architecture + Film Competition, which aims to revive the use of architecture on film and garner new innovation in the unique genre. Based on the similarities between architecture and film, the competition focuses on the experience of architectural space over time.
Entrants must create a film sequence of 1-5 minutes that animates architecture by embracing time as the primary dimension. Submissions can be uploaded starting Feb. 1, 2015 until the deadline on March 12. Competition results will be announced on the foundation's website on August 20.
In previous years, the foundation organized similarly themed competitions like "writing about architecture” in 2012, “drawing architecture” in 2008, and “photographing architecture” in 2007.
More details below.
"Architecture is more than scenographed images. It is an abstract art form which does not take real shape until occupied and activated by movements through the space.
The previous strong role of architecture on film seems less dominant in new films from the latest decades. Live images have a special relation to architecture because film is experienced in time and space just as architecture. Film is thus more capable of providing a full spatial experience of architecture compared to photography.
Henning Larsen told about his dreams of flying in Jytte Rex' film portrait of him, and his fascination of the intense experience of architecture in films recorded on the Arabian Peninsula was an important source of inspiration to him when designing one of the main works of his studio, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) in Saudi Arabia..."
For full competition details, click here.
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