PASS - Progetto per abitazioni sociali e sostenibili
Register/Submit Deadline: Thursday, Jun 10, 20106:55 AMEDT
The “PASS - Progetto per abitazioni sociali e sostenibili” competition has been set up by ATER – Azienda Territoriale per l’ Edilizia Residenziale the territorial agency for residential housing for the Commune of Rome, and is promoted and funded by the Lazio Regional Authorities. It falls within a wider, more general context the intention of which, through Regional Law No. 21 of 2009 ” Special Measures for the building sector and actions for residential social housing” is to promote public and social housing in the area.
The institutions involved aim to increase the availability of public housing by creating new subsidised housing and the recovery of existing buildings or parts thereof.
The competition identifies consolidated situations in the ‘public city’, where there are a large number of unused or under-used areas that represent a significant surface area in which to create new housing, so as to help reduce the housing crisis.
Part of the built-up area indicated in Area Plan No. 15 - Tiburtino III, has the characteristics and potential to provide spaces that can be converted to different uses, thus increasing the availability of homes and triggering requalification of the entire area.
The competition is an experimental look at the possible plans for functional and aesthetic conversion and sustainable energy, setting up a challenge that is open to the world of professional architecture. The aim is to provide innovative solutions and proposals that can be used as a reference when drawing up the general plans applicable to the entire region, opening up once again the theme of a public city, which based on new investigations into homes and housing brings back together the subject of the physical and social make-up of the city itself.
The competition documentation can all be downloaded from the competition website.
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