Home-room #14: "After Urban Design, Territorial Architecture?" by Alexander D'Hooghe, ORG
Monday, Mar 1, 20105 AMEDT
| New York, NY
PRESENTATION followed by a dynamic discussion between the architect & audience Please RSVP to [email protected] > Is the landform an architectural proposition to structure suburban growth ? > Is the generic building an aesthetic principle of anti-expressionist architecture ? These are two propositions subject to Home-Room #14 judgment and discussion. The Organization for Permanent Modernity is a project in architectural urbanism. It exists to further the emancipation of individuals by raising their consciousness about the character of the territories in which they live. We aim for this liberation through a collision with architecture. Architecture's autonomy is thus placed at the service of a bigger project - territorial consciousness. http://www.org-public.org/ The Organization has an Office in Brussels and Boston, which designs buildings and urban plans. The Organization also has a research group based at MIT. Their work has been featured in several magazines, such as Volume, Archis, Perspecta, Block, Neutra, New Geographies, etc. For more information: http://www.home-room.info/blog/
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