Mentorship Resume Workshop
Friday, Jan 16, 20097:55 AMEDT
| AIA San Francisco, CA
January 15, 2009 6:00 - 8:00 pm AIA San Francisco, 130 Sutter Street, Suite 600, San Francisco It is always good practice to keep your resume up-to-date. Whether you are looking for a job, completing the requirements for a request for proposal and/or qualification or even applying to graduate school, an updated resume is essential to have on hand. Dave Alpert, AIA and Vice President and Principal of HGA Architects and Engineers along with Tanya Erquiaga, principal architectural recruiter for Aerotek will speak about the importance of keeping your resume current and offer some insights on do’s and don’ts when applying for a job or submitting a request for qualifications to land that next project. Afterwards, in small groups of various experience levels, all will share each other’s resumes and discuss how they can be strengthened. All mentor groups are encouraged to attend as a group for this workshop. **All attendees need to bring 4 copies of their current resume to share with their group.** Do not worry if you have not updated your resume in awhile. This workshop will give you some pointers and insights on how to accomplish this task. RSVP REQUIRED to [email protected].
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