Pecha Kucha Tampa Bay
Saturday, Oct 11, 20086:55 AMEDT
| Tampa, FL - Romeo's Gallery, 1515 7th Ave
PKN : Tampa volume 1 20 slides x 20 seconds Emerging Tampa Bay Architects, with Creative Tampa Bay, is hosting Tampa’s first installment of Pecha Kucha Night on October 10th (7-10pm) during Archifest, a month long celebration of architecture and design in the Tampa Bay area. This event will give local architects, artists, designers and creative personalities a chance to present their work/ideas and enter a dialogue about design. Each presenter will have 20x20 (20 slides for 20 seconds each), totaling 6 minutes and 40 seconds per person. Slides automatically advance, leading the speaker to be concise and stay on topic. The presentations provide for a lively evening full of exciting ideas, beautiful images and good discussion about design. For each volume event night will have presentations from ten different speakers. The evening will begin with a reception; beer, wine and light appetizers, and end with a spirited conversation. INTERESTED IN PRESENTING AT PKN TAMPA VOLUME 1? E-mail the following submission information to [email protected]
- title of your presentation
- brief description of your presentation (200 words max)
- 3 images relevant to your presentation (1mb/image max)
- name and contact info (e-mail and telephone)
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