Designing for Adaptable Futures (DAF)
Register/Submit Deadline: Sunday, Jun 10, 20128:49 AMEDT
This competition asks you to illustrate how the life of your building will unfold through time – over an hour, day, year, decade, or perhaps a century. Your submission should demonstrate the integration of time in your design proposal by highlighting how it will accommodate the different types of change described in the competition brief.
We seek innovative design proposals that challenge existing orthodoxies about adaptability in the built environment. The awards comprise of cash prizes (1st prize UK £1,500, 2nd Prize £1000, 3rd prize £500); publication of the top entries in the upcoming Adaptable Futures book and an opportunity to present at our autumn conference in London. Outstanding submissions will also be published at
The site can be anywhere – thus you are encouraged to ‘adapt’ your studio project to this competition – but the submission must meet the three criteria described in the brief. Entries can be at a building or neighbourhood scale, but should explain how your design (whether spatially, structurally or in terms of building services) responds to the brief. Submissions will be accepted in two formats – A0 boards (maximum 2) and/ or a film (maximum 3 minutes). Entrants may choose to submit one or both – all submissions should be digital.
The deadline for submissions is Sunday, 10 June 2012 (extended!) at 23:59 GMT. For registration, submission and to download the competition brief please go to and follow us on Twitter for updates @adaptablefuture
UPDATE: The deadline has been extended to June 10, 2012.
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