7TH IAHH International Student Design Competition 2009
Registration Deadline: Friday, Jan 16, 20097:55 AMEDT
Submission Deadline: Monday, Jan 26, 20097:55 AMEDT
The International Association for Humane Habitat (IAHH) is a voluntary organization promoting the goals and objectives of evolving humane habitat, through sustainable development, appropriate technology, innovative design and multidisciplinary approach to restructure policies, programming, planning and design for conservation, redevelopment and development.
IAHH has hosted six International Student Design Competitions since 2003 on various themes related to sustainable, affordable, appropriate humane habitats. On an average 50 entries are received from about 15 different countries. Last year we received 90 entries from 20 countries!
IAHH is pleased to announce its Seventh International Student Design Competition on the theme of sustainable development and revitalization of transit hubs. The competition is open to students of architecture, planning, urban design, landscape architecture and related disciplines of anthropology, sociology, economics, geography, social work etc.
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